Devin Wengert Family

This past weekend was spent tucked away in the beautiful fall-blanketed St. Johns with the Lindsey's and Raban's!  Baby Beau and I took a shuttle up to Show Low on Monday to spend a few extra days, and Devin met up with us on Friday:)  It was so nice to escape the heat (although cooling off, we still have 80-degree+ temperatures down here!) and be in a place where fall is very much, traditional.  As I stepped off the shuttle and waited for dad to pick us up, the crisp air smelled of wood burning stoves; the leaves were bright and festive (yellows, reds, oranges, etc.)--all so warm and inviting...and truly representative of the season!

We spent lazy days hanging out with the family; cooking large family meals, baking pumpkin cookies, eating at El Camino, attending volleyball games and wrestling matches, and of COURSE, engaging in Hallmark movie marathons--titles like, "Autumn Kiss" and "Harvest Moon"--us girls are hopeless romantics and although predictable and possible cheesy, we can't resist these feel-good movies:)  As a side note, each evening ended with a special tradition--a bowl of cereal before bed!

As the weekend approached, Baby Beau and I became anxious to see Devin.  He is always so good to let us go and have fun while he works and holds down the fort at home; but we missed him and Baby needed a break from ME.  She is SO much fun, a tease, smiley, happy, flirty, etc.  But for some reason, she can be so defiant--fighting me when I change her diapers, get her dressed, do her hair, gets ugly!!  We anxiously waited, staring out the window for his arrival; and she exploded with excitement at the sight of him:)

The weekend also brought with it colder weather; I realized how much of a wimp I am...but I must say it is fun to cuddle in blankets and scarves!  Devin and I went to the St. Johns vs. Round Valley game and mom stayed at home with was so fun!  We ate my very favorite game treat--nachos with jalapenos!  We sipped on hot chocolate, and bundled up together.  The game was sad; they lost!  But we had a wonderful evening out together:)

Saturday we woke up early and started preparing for the Halloween Feast; mom's traditional eyeball soup, scones and honey butter!  Uncle Tim is not a huge fan of homemade chicken noodle soup (eyeball soup) so mom also made a DELICIOUS mole chili...SO GOOD!!  While the soups simmered, we carved pumpkins and got ready for "trunk or treat":)  Devin got the coolest, BIGGEST pumpkin...and decided to create/carve a Halloween masterpiece; needless to say, his pumpkin offended grandma and grandpa...

Baby Beau was a little ballerina...she was so fun to dress up all girly!!  Toni helped me do her hair slicked in a little bun and she was ready to go!  She went CRAZY at trunk or treat; couldn't get enough candy, eating it like a madman, holding 3 suckers at a was as if she'd never had candy before in her life!  It was hard to get her to eat anything else for the next few days...

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Devin and I have been married for almost 3 years; Baby Beau is 18 months old, and Baby #2 is due in January--and I have this guilt on my shoulders that I haven't anywhere/anyway to organize my thoughts, our family events, pictures, etc.  I have a journal that has been written in once every year or so, and some pictures printed and bound in albums; but that just feels so...old fashioned.  I feel like it is TOO easy to get behind, overwhelmed, etc. with this method, and I find that so much has slipped through my memories as a result.  My hope is simply, that this family blog will revolutionize my poor record keeping--and create a more dynamic approach to our lives together.

The best way to start?  Family pictures:)  We ran across a gentleman who was seeking clients to do some "free" photo shoots (so he could update his portfolio)...and thought, "Why not?"  I intended the shoot to be simply for Baby Beau; but he threw us in too:)  I am not a huge fan of having a pregnant belly in these pictures; but free was worth it!  Baby Beau was a lot of fun (as always) and thankfully, let me curl her hair.  It will be nice to have a complete family picture when Baby #2 arrives!

We are extremely happy and comfortable right now; blessed in so many ways, and looking forward to the coming months of change.  Here's to getting started with this new blog!

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Fall of 2013, Having been married nearly a year, Devin and I both began to feel the longings and readiness for a child.  Our original plan was to wait to start our family for at LEAST a year; but we both knew it was the right time, and to our delight, we found out we were expecting in August!  My due date was set for April 4th, 2014.  I was so excited to have Dr. Thomas Carn as my doctor; the same man who delivered me, and ALL of the siblings that followed in Utah:)  The pregnancy was pretty smooth; the only difficulty?  Swollen legs!  But I can't complain beyond that; I was incredibly blessed.  I was working as a substitute teacher and soon after, back at the MTC while simultaneously finishing my degree full-time.  I was very busy and it seemed to help the time pass along quickly:)

I knew all along that I wanted my mom to be there with me when I gave birth; but how tricky is that to plan, when she lived a state away??  Devin was easier--he worked at the hospital at which I would deliver, and they told him they would be very flexible in reference to the birth.  As my due date approached, we came up with a plan; we looked at the calendar, Devin's work schedule, etc. and determined the ONLY way to guarantee (almost!) that she could be present, would be to take castor oil over the weekend before April 4th.  I invited Beau up as well, and the two purchased flights, arriving the evening of March 27th.  Now I had to just hope and pray that the baby would actually come according to our plans!!  

March 28th was my very last day of work; my shift ended at noon, and I came home to mom and Beau to make preparations for "the plan"!  Mom pampered me and did my toes--I had long been unable to reach them (and my vision is terrible) so they were in desperate need of a pedicure!  I showered, curled my hair, we cleaned the house, etc.  I felt good about everything--all was in order.  I sent Dev off to work (he was working nights) and around 6:00pm, started the BREW THAT IS TRUE.  It is mom's tried and proven, incredible combination of castor oil, walking and massaging a certain area of the chest (I just can't say the word in my blog!).  I took a large 4 Tbsp. dose of castor oil...and the game began!
The day before delivery!
Mom had me put on one of Devin's large hoodies and I just popped my arms inside to massage discreetly.  We went to the mall and she treated me to a nightgown and p.j. set to wear in the hospital (I hadn't even thought about what to wear; I just assumed I'd wear the hospital gown...but as we shopped, I remembered how she always wore beautiful things after giving birth and I was happy she wanted the same for me).  We got home and went for a long walk; we walked all around BYU campus, up and down the stairs, around the streets of my neighborhood; anywhere and everywhere to keep the process going.  All the while, I massaged.  Although I had seen this method work for EVERY sibling my mom applied the brew to, I began to feel skeptical; hopeful, but very cautiously.  Nothing seemed to happen; I did have to stop once at home and once at Brick Oven to use the restroom, and it felt like the baby dropped; but how could I be sure of anything?  All new to me!  I was so tired by the time 9:30 rolled around, we decided to call it a night; and I headed to bed.  Not much happened during the night; I did have to use the restroom, but that was it!

Early the next morning (the 29th), I awoke with intense abdominal pain; squeezing, pressure, pain, then relief.  It was 5:45 am--and I thought, what the heck is going on??  OUCH!!  I unsuccessfully tried to go back to sleep for a good 30 mins until I finally realized...I was having contractions!  Now awake and aware, I pulled up the stopwatch on my phone and began to document  how often/far apart they were.  At first they were 7 mins apart...then eventually 6 mins, 5 mins, etc.  Devin walked in the door around 6:45 and jumped in the shower; I got up from bed and told him I was having some serious contractions; he was so excited, but much like me, didn't want to rush anything--we did NOT want to be one of those overly-anxious couples who prematurely show up to give birth, and get turned away!  AND what timing; right when he walks in from a shift!  So I sent him to bed, and continued to document and monitor my contractions.

As 7:15ish rolled around, I was measuring them 3-4 mins apart...and realized it was probably time to consider going in to the hospital...!!  I woke up mom and Bubba, and they jumped up with excitement!  We all got ready, I did my hair and makeup, anxious to look my best for the pictures!  I woke Devin up (poor guy had only been sleeping for 30 mins) and told him it was time!  By the time he got dressed, and mom and Bubba finished getting ready, I was having them every 2-3 minutes apart; and I had never been in so much pain in my LIFE.  I guess I am just wimpy; but the contractions were so painful that I would cry a little each time one began.  We loaded up in the car and I gave conflicting instructions to Dev; "Hurry!!!" but "GO SLOW...I'm in pain!!" :)  I could not walk anymore so they wheel chaired me up to Labor & Delivery.

They checked me, and I had nearly dilated to a 5!  The monitored me for an hour, and then admitted me.  I was READY for my epidural!!!  The anesthesiologist wheeled his equipment in, a beautiful sight, and was very kind and patient with me (rather afraid of needles...BIG needles at that!).  Once administered, it didn't take long for the pain to begin subsiding...Devin took the liberty in my behalf to push the button that upped the dosage--I was soon in heaven, dried my tears of pain, and began to smile, laugh and joke with the staff and my family:)  Aunt Jodi came by to be a part of it, and we waited for the cue to move forward.

The nurse and Dr. Carn came in to check on me, and decided it was time to start!  I pushed for 2.5 hours  with little progress--exhausting and frustrating.  But Dr. Carn was so patient and so much fun!  He directed the pushing and administered the whole time!  Usually, they just come in at the end when its time to deliver.  He thought it wise to have the epidural wear off a tiny bit so I could feel what was happening inside, but not the pain.  This seemed to help tremendously, and suddenly, after hours of pushing, it was really time to deliver!  He suddenly got dressed in all his gear and the moment was arriving!!  Devin was SUCH a trooper; didn't leave my side and counted me through each contraction/push for all those hours on his feet; with no sleep!!  Mom didn't leave my side either; I was so grateful she was there with me:)

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