Devin and I have been married for almost 3 years; Baby Beau is 18 months old, and Baby #2 is due in January--and I have this guilt on my shoulders that I haven't anywhere/anyway to organize my thoughts, our family events, pictures, etc. I have a journal that has been written in once every year or so, and some pictures printed and bound in albums; but that just feels so...old fashioned. I feel like it is TOO easy to get behind, overwhelmed, etc. with this method, and I find that so much has slipped through my memories as a result. My hope is simply, that this family blog will revolutionize my poor record keeping--and create a more dynamic approach to our lives together.
The best way to start? Family pictures:) We ran across a gentleman who was seeking clients to do some "free" photo shoots (so he could update his portfolio)...and thought, "Why not?" I intended the shoot to be simply for Baby Beau; but he threw us in too:) I am not a huge fan of having a pregnant belly in these pictures; but free was worth it! Baby Beau was a lot of fun (as always) and thankfully, let me curl her hair. It will be nice to have a complete family picture when Baby #2 arrives!

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The best way to start? Family pictures:) We ran across a gentleman who was seeking clients to do some "free" photo shoots (so he could update his portfolio)...and thought, "Why not?" I intended the shoot to be simply for Baby Beau; but he threw us in too:) I am not a huge fan of having a pregnant belly in these pictures; but free was worth it! Baby Beau was a lot of fun (as always) and thankfully, let me curl her hair. It will be nice to have a complete family picture when Baby #2 arrives!

We are extremely happy and comfortable right now; blessed in so many ways, and looking forward to the coming months of change. Here's to getting started with this new blog!